Appendix A- Home Range Comparison Data and Habitat

Annual home range comparison data for eastern indigo snakes collected in specific locations from various studies using radio telemetry to track snake movements. All annual home range sizes were calculated using 100% minimum convex polygons or minimum bounding geometry.

Appendix A

Eastern indigo snake habitat photos
Figure A1: Eastern indigo snake habitat photos. (A) Canal System, FL; (B) Citrus Orchard, FL; (C) Coastal Dune, FL; (D) Scrubby Pasture, FL; (E) Bottomland Forest, GA; and (F) Cypress Pond, GA. Photos A & E by Javan Bauder/Orianne Society; Photo B by Lance Paden/Orianne Society; Photo C by Matt Metcalf; and Photo F by Dirk Stevenson.